5 ways to become the BEST gardener this year

I’ll admit that when I started gardening, I would often stroll the aisles of a big box store, grabbing whatever looked pretty.  I didn’t know whether it was appropriate for the season, needed full or part sun, or how to take care of it.  I spent hundreds of dollars on flowers, plants, seeds only to come home, plop them in some cheapo soil from a brightly colored bag and feel disappointed when things died. 

Been there? We understand. In fact, MOST gardeners have felt the frustration of garden overwhelm. If you are ready to truly elevate your garden game, we’ve got five sure ways to do it.

1) You need to plan first.

This means, consider what season you’re going to grow in.  Reference our Monthly planting guide for a comprehensive list of appropriate plants.  Write down a list of things you’d like to try.  Will you be gardening in-ground or in raised beds?  Veggies and herbs will do SO much better when grown in raised beds because you’ll be able to control the growing environment.  Perennials, shrubs, natives are ok in-ground. 

2) Skip the big box stores.

Don’t make the same mistake I made.  If you really want to garden, head to a local nursery, like Buchanan’s or Wabash.  Why?  Because they stock what’s in season.  They have employees who can help you if you have questions about growing patterns or sun requirements.  They also have organic fertilizers and soils that will most closely resemble your own growing environment. One size does not fit all.

Local soil is more likely to be adapted to your climate and even local pests, making it easier for plants to grow organically.

3) Master irrigation.

The gold standard for growing vegetables and herbs is drip irrigation.  However, if you’re handy and can set up soaker hoses on timers (a simple Y valve connector will allow you to tie in to your hose bib AND keep the other side available as a faucet or for a regular hose.  Read more about irrigation here

4) Plant intensively.

You’ve likely got a list of things you want to plant by now.  If not, go back to step number 1 or refer to our Monthly planting guide.  Purchase your transplants from a local nursery and lay them out in your garden.  Imagine the size of the plant when fully grown~ this will be a helpful visual for spacing.  Large plants like Kale, tomatoes, eggplant, okra should go in the back of a garden bed, ideally receiving at least 8 hours of sunlight per day.  If you are growing tomatoes or cucumber, make sure you have a sturdy trellis in place before planting! Medium sized plants like Swiss chard, sage, parsley should go in the middle. Smaller plants like arugula, radish, trailing herbs, chives, should go on the borders. *Take advantage of space underneath large plants.  For example, peppers enjoy a bit of afternoon shade and can be planted next to tomatoes, which will climb an obelisk. Wondering what kind of trellis would work best for your space? Read more here

5) Practice. 

Gardening is all about practice. Spend some time outside each day, even if it’s just a few minutes.  Practice planting by seed and transplant.  Take notes!  It’s easy if you’re using a garden journal or Yearly planner to track planting dates.  It’s also fun and helpful to look back on your monthly calendar to see when you planted what and how it worked out.

If you need extra practice, make sure you’re following us on Instagram.  We also really appreciate your feedback!  What other resources would help you become a confident gardener?  We’d like to know.  Drop us a line at info@gardengirlstx.com.  


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