Tree-mendous Trees: Tree Timing Magic
With over a hundred trees planted across Houston and Round Top, we’ve seen firsthand how our mild winters set trees up for success. During this season, roots can establish themselves gradually without the stress of supporting leaves and branches. The benefits are clear—dormant trees handle transplanting better, and they have months to grow strong roots before Houston’s intense summer heat arrives. Plus, winter planting means less watering and maintenance during the early stages.
For the best results, choose a day when temperatures are above freezing and the soil isn’t too wet.
Some of our most successful plantings include live oaks, Eagleston and full-to-ground (FTG) hollys, magnolias, cypress, sycamores, Chinese fringe trees, and vitex. We’ve also had great luck with mountain laurels, which work beautifully as either small trees or large shrubs, adding year-round structure and gorgeous spring blooms to the landscape.
Take advantage of Houston’s mild winters to give your trees the best possible start—your future shade will thank you!