Garden Girls

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Garden Goals for a New Year

A new year always feels like a fresh beginning and as a part of that beginning many of us set goals.  Research shows that when goals are written down and specific, they are more likely to become not just a goal, but a reality. 

And, the awesome thing about a garden goal is that it can help you achieve even bigger goals like exercising more, spending time outside or learning something new.

To help you get started with your garden goals, here are 5 goals worth considering in 2022!

Grow Something New

Whether you are a first-time gardener or an experienced gardener, grow something new this year.  For first time gardeners, try a pot of herbs or arugula.  Your investment will be small, but you will feel so proud when you harvest your first arugula salad.  For experienced gardeners, try a new seed variety or add a native pollinator to your garden.  I am planning to grow Teddy Bear Sunflowers from seed this year.

Make a Plan

How many times have you gone to the garden store and bought way too many plants to fit in your space?  Or tried to grow tomatoes in June in Houston?  Like any success, your garden success increases when you have a plan.  If you have a kitchen garden, write down which months you are going to plant your vegetables.  Houston is unique because we can plant twelve months of the year.  In cooler months, plant lettuces and sugar snap peas.  In early Spring, plant tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers.  In Summer, stick to eggplant and okra.  Try tomatoes again in early September. 

It’s also helpful to sketch out your garden before you plant.  I use graph paper to sketch what I am going to plant before I get started.  It always changes, but it gives me the perfect jump start.  

Have a Garden Buddy (or two)

Sharing your gardening experiences with another person is invaluable.  You can ask questions, highlight successes, discuss gardening flops and share seeds.  It’s a wonderful bonding experience to help a friend with garden chores- like planting, adding compost, or harvesting.  Literally, I am on top of the world after a day of gardening with my Garden Girls.

Support Local

Want an easy way to give back to other Houstonians?Well, you directly help other Houstonians by shopping at local garden stores and farmer’s markets.Employees at local garden stores are an excellent resource as they have vast knowledge about native plants and what grows well in our unique climate.And, the best way to learn what vegetables are in season is to look around your local farmer’s market.Farmers love sharing their knowledge.Imagine how much a farmer can tell you about growing this basket of peppers?

Enjoy the Journey

Let’s be honest when the garden is at the mercy of mother nature (hello February 2021 freeze), there can be frustrating moments.  But, the garden itself isn’t the end game, it’s the act of gardening that truly transforms us.  Gardening connects us to nature, gets us moving, teaches us grace and patience, and keeps our mind active.  So, enjoy the gardening journey and savor that first bite of a garden ripe cucumber.

Whether you use these five gardening goals or come up with your own, remember to have fun and Let Yourself Grow in 2022!